Safely enjoying hibiscus tea: Tips and Precautions | Fusion - WeRIndia

Safely enjoying hibiscus tea: Tips and Precautions

Safely enjoying hibiscus tea: Tips and Precautions

Hibiscus tea is a popular herbal beverage known for its tangy flavour and potential health benefits.

If you wish to prepare hibiscus tea, follow these simple steps:

  • Collect hibiscus flowers, wash them thoroughly, and allow them to dry.
  • Once dry, remove the whorl enclosing the petals (calyx) and store it in an airtight container.
  • Then crush it using a wooden roller, and boil the water separately.
  • Pour the boiling water into a mug and place the dry calyx in a net or tea bag.
  • Steep it into the water for a few minutes.
  • For added flavour, you can sweeten the tea with sugar or enhance it with a hint of lemon.

Before incorporating hibiscus tea into your routine, it is essential to seek advice from a doctor, especially if you plan to consume it in large quantities or alongside other herbal products.

Never discontinue or replace ongoing modern medicine or herbal treatments without consulting a healthcare professional.

While hibiscus tea is generally safe when consumed in moderation, there are some potential side effects to be aware of. These include gas, upset stomach, and constipation.

Should you experience any adverse reactions, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention and inform your Ayurvedic physician.

Certain precautions should be taken before consuming hibiscus tea:

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should exercise caution.
  • Individuals preparing for surgery should avoid hibiscus tea a few days before the procedure.
  • Additionally, if you have any pre-existing health conditions, it is advisable to consult your doctor before incorporating hibiscus tea into your diet.

Furthermore, hibiscus tea may interact with certain medications:

  • It can interact with chloroquine, a drug used to treat malaria, and diclofenac, a pain reliever.
  • Additionally, hibiscus tea may impact the levels of losartan, a medication prescribed for blood pressure management.
  • It is essential to discuss any ongoing medical treatments with your doctor before introducing hibiscus tea into your routine.

Hibiscus tea offers a refreshing and potentially beneficial herbal beverage option.

By following the simple preparation steps, you can enjoy its unique flavour and explore the potential health benefits it may offer.

However, caution must be exercised, especially for certain groups and individuals on specific medications, and consulting a healthcare professional is essential to ensure safe and appropriate consumption.

With proper care and moderation, hibiscus tea can be a delightful addition to a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Photo by TeaCora Rooibos on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)

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