Health benefits of papaya leaves | Fusion - WeRIndia

Health benefits of papaya leaves

Health benefits of papaya leaves

Papaya is one of the wonderful fruits with many health benefits. Not just the fruit, its leaves also have medicinal properties.

Papaya leaves have an enzyme called papain and numerous phytochemicals, vitamins like A, C, B, and K, and minerals like calcium, iron, and magnesium. They also contain tannins, flavonoids, phenols, beta-carotene, and alkaloids like carpaine. All these help promote the overall health of humans.

You can use papaya leaves by making juice. Use tender leaves to make juice. Mix 5 ml of papaya juice with 20 ml of water and add honey to enhance flavour.

Alternatively, you can make tea with papaya leaves. For this, boil a few leaves in water till the water reduces to half. You can add honey for flavour. Consume 20 ml daily.

Papaya leaves have the following benefits:

  • Studies showed that papaya leaf extract had significantly increased the platelet count in people infected with dengue.
  • Papaya leaves also help treat malaria and faster recovery of people by increasing the red blood cells.
  • Tea made with papaya leaves eases menstrual cramps, pain, and PMS symptoms.
  • Papaya leaves treat digestive issues and constipation. They also help maintain energy levels in the body.
  • Due to their antioxidants and vitamin E content, they help maintain liver health.
  • They improve mood and provide relief from stress, tension and anxiety. Due to their inflammatory properties, they reduce inflammation in the body.
  • They promote hair growth due to their antioxidant properties. They also help treat skin-related issues like wrinkles.
  • Papaya leaves reduced oxidative stress. Polyphenols in these leaves help prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  • They improve the function of the kidney and eliminate toxins from the body effectively.
  • They also help control blood pressure and insulin levels in the body.
  • They protect the health of the eyes and prevent cataracts and other age-related ocular diseases.

Image by TULIA COLOMBIA TORRES HURTADO from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

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