Benefits of black garlic | Fusion - WeRIndia

Benefits of black garlic

Benefits of black garlic

In the vibrant world of culinary delights, garlic stands as a kitchen staple renowned for its pungent flavour.

However, the transformation of regular white garlic into the lesser-known black garlic unveils a realm of enhanced nutrition and health benefits, often overlooked in day-to-day cooking.

Originating from ancient Egypt and deeply rooted in traditional medicine in India and China, black garlic emerges through a unique fermentation process. 

Unpeeled white garlic bulbs undergo controlled high temperatures and humidity for approximately 40 days, resulting in a striking black bulb. While this method diminishes the spicy allicin content responsible for garlic’s pungency, it gives rise to a savoury and sweet flavour, making black garlic a distinctive culinary gem.

Black garlic, though challenging and costly to produce, boasts nutritional superiority over its white counterpart. 

It finds its place in high-end cuisine, consumed alone or in another way, offering a milder flavour than traditional garlic.

Health Benefits of Black Garlic

  • Black garlic strengthens the immune system, defending against common bacterial and viral diseases.
  • It shows promise in regulating insulin, managing blood sugar, and reducing the risk of gestational diabetes.
  • Research suggests it lowers homocysteine, bad cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, promoting cardiovascular well-being.
  • With antioxidants ten times stronger than fresh garlic, black garlic shields cells from oxidative damage.
  • Regular consumption may prevent age-related disorders, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.
  • Antiobesity qualities in black garlic may contribute to weight management.
  • Abundant active antioxidants bolster defences against chronic illness and oxidative stress.

Possible Downsides

  • Rare cases report pneumonia due to delayed-onset allergic reactions to black garlic.
  • Large amounts may exhibit anticoagulant effects, potentially problematic for those with clotting issues or on blood-thinning medications.
  • Black garlic may interact with certain medications, necessitating caution.
  • Excessive consumption may lead to foul breath, skin odour, and stomach pain.

Embracing black garlic introduces not just a culinary innovation but also a gateway to enhanced health and well-being, offering a flavorful twist to traditional cooking.

Image Credit: Jacek Halicki, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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