Finance Blogs India | Finance Talk | Fusion – WeRIndia

Best short term LIC plans

There are some shorter plans of LIC whose terms lasts around years are around 5 years as opposed to the long 15-20 year plans.

Know the differences between EPF and...

EPF is a fund for a salaried individual. It is authorized only to them. However, PPF on the other hand can be opened by

Know about LIC Jeevan Pragati

LIC Jeevan Pragati is a non-linked, with profits plan that gives protection and savings. Know more about the policy here.

Financial gifts for your...

There are some practical gifts that you can give to your valentine on this Valentine's day. While these are not romantic, they can certainly

Disadvantages of SIPs

There are many cases where the people who invested SIPs haven’t always made money. It doesn’t mean that people would always lose money either.