How to Know When to Turn Down The Job Offer | Fusion - WeRIndia

How to Know When to Turn Down The Job Offer

How to know when to turn down job acoffer

When we met with someone we feel some negative or positive vibes its depends on persons.

In some places, we did not feel comfortable, these are little things which make us decide not to go there again or avoid to go there, it’s all for our comfort.

While it’s up to our career we need to find out the things, need to observe the things, people around that environment.

The hiring process is scattered, your potential manager is already emailing you on off-hours, or the potential colleagues you met were rude or inappropriate.

These signs are easy to dismiss. Look for a hiring process that includes thoughtful interview questions and e-mails, great interviews with multiple employees, and signs that the people who work there are happy, respected, and taken seriously.

Here are some signs which can help you to know when to turn down the job offer:

Negative experience

When you first meet the manager and other employees at the company, feel out their personalities, styles and approach or if you do not feel that you will fit in with the company, or are concerned that you’ll be unable to forge a healthy, positive relationship with your boss, consider this warning sign that the job is not for you.

Unprofessional Communication

Unprofessional behavior indicates a lack of respect for yourself and others as well as immaturity, and it signifies a disregard for cultural and workplace standards.

If the communication with the employer is unprofessional, if your new manager is too busy to give you adequate information on the position or answer last minute questions, who knows what else he/she will be inattentive to.

Change in terms & conditions

If terms of the offer are different what were communicated to you, the salary is not as much as you were looking for – this happens more times than not.

Although money is tight, you should never settle for a position that offers far less than you are reasonably comfortable with.

Some negotiation is often expected, especially for more senior roles but if you believe you can command significantly more for your set of skills and experience, don’t be afraid to push back.

If the offer differs significantly from what was originally communicated to you, consider it a real warning sign about the employer.

Lack of Growth

Every job you have should add to your resume—and not just in terms of taking up space. If you’re not going to have growth opportunities in terms of roles, knowledge, and new projects or responsibilities, it’s a fair reason to be hesitant about accepting the job.

If you’re not growing, you’ll either get bored too quickly and not perform at your best, you’ll get too comfortable with what you know and passed up for promotion, or you’ll be looking for a new job again soon.

Try to find out what you’re already great at and the skills you want to gain. Will this new job allow you to work on these skills, or do the things you already did in experience? Even if you’re looking at a horizontal job move, you should have the opportunity to take on more responsibilities or higher promotion

you would have to go out of your way to offend a hiring manager by declining a role. No matter how thoughtful you are about it, the logistics of it are simple: A top candidate has turned down an offer, and the person in charge should start over.

These are some signs when you can feel that this job is not the perfect one for you.

Photo by Morning Brew on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)

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