Unusual jobs: From cuddling to queuing | Fusion - WeRIndia

Unusual jobs: From cuddling to queuing

Unusual jobs: From cuddling to queuing

In a world of diverse career options, some jobs challenge conventional norms, offering unique services that address unexpected needs.

Here are some of the most surprising and unusual professions around the globe:

In this fast-paced era, the human touch often gets overlooked. Many people feel touch-deprived, which eventually leads to loneliness and isolation. Professional cuddlers fill this void. Offering platonic touch, they provide a no-judgment, no-pressure environment where clients can experience the comfort of human contact.

Paranormal guides lead people to haunted locations, such as abandoned mansions, hospitals, and prisons, in search of ghosts. If you’re keen on experiencing paranormal activities, these experts can take you on a spine-chilling adventure.

In South Korea, social status often dictates hiring fake guests for weddings. Several companies specialize in providing these guests, enhancing the social standing of the wedding hosts and earning good money in the process.

Pressed for time and can’t afford to stand in long lines? Enter the professional queuer. For a fee, they wait in line on your behalf, whether it’s for concert tickets or the latest gadget release.

Pets, like humans, experience a wide range of emotions, including happiness, sadness, anger, and anxiety. Pet psychologists study animal behaviour, diagnose issues, and create treatment plans. They work to improve pets’ mental health and well-being, ensuring a harmonious relationship between pets and their owners.

To test comfort, mattress companies and some hotels hire professional sleepers. These individuals sleep on new products or in hotel rooms to ensure optimal relaxation and comfort, providing valuable feedback to manufacturers and hospitality providers.

These unconventional jobs highlight the innovative ways people address unique needs in society.

From offering comfort and companionship to testing products and providing entertainment, these roles show that the job market has something for everyone, no matter how unusual.

Image from Pxhere (Free for commercial use / CC0 Public Domain)

Image Published on February 8, 2019

Image Reference: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/642467

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