4 Tips For Managing Needy Employees | Fusion - WeRIndia

4 Tips For Managing Needy Employees

Tips For Managing Needy Employees

If you are not on a higher position yet than as a team member it’s your responsibility to help the needy people.

Remind the day when you were new in the office, you were expecting someone to help you, those helping hands makes people confident & motivate.

To help someone you do not require any position just take one step to offer help.

1. Hold Regular Meetings to Help Them Set Goals

Like how successful coaches don’t wait until the fourth quarter to address their players’ poor performance, managers should capture issues in real time. Delivering frequent feedback allows you to recognize problems (and achievements!) sooner, which can motivate employees to adjust their approach and change their habits.

This is also an opportunity to discuss how you want direct reports to communicate with you. If you’d prefer they email you questions in one daily round-up, rather than rapid-fire throughout the day, say that!

2. Coach Them to Become More Independent

One reason why an employee might be so dependent on your guidance is because it’s always been available to them. That means the ball’s 100% in your court here.

To encourage autonomy, consider delegating tasks you’ve traditionally done yourself. Be sure to provide training if needed and assign tasks with clear boundaries, but give the employee freedom to be creative in how they complete the assignment.

At the same time, try to be tolerant of mistakes. Employees aren’t going to want to take on new responsibilities if they fear their jobs are on the line, so be clear that the new tasks are learning experiences—and that mistakes are a normal part of the process.

Continue giving advice and feedback on assignments, but don’t serve as a crutch. Allowing employees to make their own choices—and learn from mistakes—can help build the confidence and experience they need to ditch their high-maintenance ways.

3. Be a More Active Listener

People who require additional support from their managers don’t always ask for it. To better understand your employees’ needs, stop and focus on what they’re really telling you rather than dismissing their requests.

After all, an employee’s consistently confused or demanding behaviour could stem from the lack of direction they receive—making it a management issue, not a performance issue.

Take some time digging into what your direct report is asking instead of making a quick judgment call. Doing so can help you evaluate your own performance in the process. For example, if you discover that there are a lot of miscommunications, you can work at improving them.

4. Exercise Patience

Once you’ve spotted a needy employee and have begun taking steps to adjust your management style, it’s important to remember that behaviour doesn’t change overnight.

These people likely require a little bit of hand-holding in their personal lives as well, and adjusting habits takes time and effort from both you and your direct reports.

Any company you work at is full of different personalities, and the best managers can tailor their approach for each person.

Overseeing needy employees calls for a customized, proactive management style—one that provides more frequent feedback, listens to employee concerns before jumping to conclusions, and cultivates independence.

It takes a little work, but in the end, it almost always pays off when you see this once dependent person take on more and more on their own.

Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Image Reference: https://pixabay.com/it/photos/idea-puntamento-alza-la-mano-3082824/

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