Valli Sarvani, Author at Fusion - WeRIndia | Page 1491 of 2435

Author Bio:Valli Sarvani

  • Name: Valli Sarvani
  • Introduction: I am a freelance writer and academic assignment helper. Health, home making, finance, cooking, environmental issues, software and science are my favorite subjects. I write for many websites. Reading books, watching TV, listening to music and preparing new recipes are my hobbies.

Author Archives: Valli Sarvani

School dropout’s invention for farmers

Combining this knowledge with his mechanical skills, Rajendra created a small power tiller from the engine of a scooter.

Best tax free bonds at

Currently, the Indian Railways Finance Corporation is offering an interest rate of 8% on its tax-free bonds, which are issued at ₹ 1,000 and are trading at ₹

Reduce your waistline easily

Be sure to cut down on sugar intake, since it is one of the top causers of weight gain. Sugary foods have many empty calories which have

These Indian industries are at

Artificial Intelligence programs are taking on many jobs which used to be done entirely by people. However, this does not necessarily mean that people will be jobless.

This game teaches Civic Sense

Civic Sense is a simple mobile game, similar to other popular mobile games. Its gameplay consists of dispatching pieces of waste on conveyor belts which move toward respective