Online Kabadiwala collects waste | Fusion - WeRIndia

Online Kabadiwala collects waste

Online Kabadiwala collects waste

Discarding old and waste things is not an easy task. Though newspapers can be sold, the remaining old items like metal jewelry, telephone directory etc. are difficult to get rid of.

Kabadiwala was founded by Anurag Asati and Kavindra Raghuwanshi. Anurag Asati is an IT engineer from Bhopal whereas Kavindra Raghuwanshi is his college professor and friend.

The startup came to life when Anurag found a problem with the disposal of his old newspapers. He wanted to dispose them and yet could not find any kabadiwalas nearby.

Then, Anurag thought if anyone could collect the old stuff with just a phone call, it would be great. Booking them online would be easier, he thought.

But, there are no such service to get rid of old stuff. He shared his idea with Kavindra, and both founded Kabadiwala.

Kabadiwala is a Bhopal based startup. It is a doorstep service aimed to help customers get rid of their old and unused stuff.

Buying things online may be easy. But, disposing of obsolete and useless things is difficult.

Kabadiwala platform helps the customers by collecting post-consumer waste with schedule efficient and cost-effective pickups. The segregated waste would be recycled or reach the vendor network.

The startup pays the customers for the scrap on the weight of material at the time of purchase.

The waste material is segregated grade-wise or level-wise. Then the scrap is offered to different recycling industries at a margin ranging from 15 per cent to 40 per cent based on the material.

Kabadiwala has tied up with scrap dealers, waste collectors, and recyclers. It works with B2B clients as well.

Each month it collects more than 100 tonnes of waste. Kabadiwala also promotes awareness among customers on waste disposal, recycling of waste and its impact on the environment including saving electricity, water, trees etc.

Kabadiwala has more than 50,000 registered users and it earned ₹70,00,000 in 2018.

Image Reference: Yourstory

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