BTS 2017 – mega innovation event - Fusion - WerIndia

Don’t Miss: BTS 2017 – mega innovation event

Don’t Miss: BTS 2017 – mega innovation event

Bengaluru is the leading city for innovation in India. 27% of all Indian startups are based in Bengaluru, and the city is the fourth largest technology cluster in the world, following Silicon Valley, Boston, and London as the first, second, and third largest respectively.

80% of all global IT companies have based their Indian operations and R&D centers in this city.

Helping to drive and support this boom of technological innovation is the effort from the Government of Karnataka, and they are now planning to further showcase the power of the state in the technology spectrum, both in the country and in the entire world.

Thus, the Government of Karnataka is co-locating its three flagship events: the 20th edition of the Bengaluru, the 17th edition of the Bengaluru India Bio, and the 3rd edition of the Bengaluru Maker Faire.

They will now be combined in a single umbrella event called the Bengaluru Tech Summit (or BTS), with the theme of “Ideate, Innovate, Invent”.

It will cover both current and emerging trends in Information Technology, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and cybersecurity.

On the front of bio-tech, the BTS will cover biotherapeutics, synthetic biology, bio-entrepreneurship, and more.

The event will take place over three days, from November 16th to November 18th. It promises to be a draw for large firms, small startups, and everything in-between.

There will be a large range of events at this three-day-long summit, such as the IT Leaders Conclave and the Bengaluru Tech Exchange, as well as various quizzes, awards, and speaking sessions.

With so many innovators and inventors coming to the BTS from all around to share their creations and ideas, the event will certainly be a huge step forward in the technology scene, both in India and in the world.

Image Credit: Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

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