Young Engineer selling organic mangoes | Fusion - WeRIndia

Young Engineer selling organic mangoes

Young Engineer selling organic mangoes

India is famous for its mangoes. The country has a perfect climate for growing them, and many different mango varieties have their home in India.

However, Uttar Pradesh has a significant lack of mango farmers who can be certified as organic.

Rohan Prakash, a 23-year-old inhabitant of Meerut, is the only certified organic mango farmer in all of Uttar Pradesh.

What’s more, Prakash is aiming to make it big with his mangoes. He also wants to drive social change with his product.

The organic markets in northern India have noticed Prakash’s mangoes, and he has garnered a name for himself among these markets.

Prakash’s father and grandfather were both civil engineers by profession, but they were also highly invested in agriculture and farming.

Prakash himself has followed in their footsteps. He, too, is a civil engineer, but he also has a passion for the family mango farm.

However, Prakash decided to take his passion one step further. He made sure to turn all the practices on their farm entirely organic.

Within the first year, the mangoes had seen a noticeable change in size and taste.

After seeing the good done by implementing organic practices on their farm, Prakash and his family decided to move forward with these practices in the future.

After three years, Prakash earned the accreditation of being the only organic mango farmer in Uttar Pradesh.

Their produce, branded as Sure Organics, ranked 3 to 4 times higher in revenue than before.

Young Engineer selling organic mangoes

Young Engineer selling organic mangoes

However, after Prakash’s family earned this accreditation, they began to truly open their eyes to the massive scope of the prospects of organic farming.

Within two months, Sure Organics’ returns shot up multifold.

Even the overall productivity of Prakash’s farm has increased by 40%, thanks to using organic practices.

The family has also begun to grow other plants on the farm, such as lychee and turmeric.

The incredible transformation of Prakash’s farm goes to show that growing food in natural, organic ways will always pay off in the end.


Image Reference: Thebetterindia

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