Real Life Inspirational Stories | Unknown Wizards | Fusion - WeRIndia

Micro credit venture by Tribal...

Kishori project has been started in Jharkhand by Child in Need Institute (CINI) for teenage girls.

Bus conductor who won 3 gold...

Abasaheb Gaikwad, a bus conductor won three gold medals at the Australian Master Games.

Chandigarh entrepreneur becomes famous...

Bhatia, a 45-year-old chemical engineering graduate, founder and CEO of said that his path to success started when his 14 year old give

Changing a village through...

Gudiya, who grew up in an environment where girls had no chance of getting an education or social life, where even their mothers were

‘Google boy’ in Meerut

This five-year old boy is renowned as ‘Google Boy’. Why? Just like Google, he reveals the possible answers to the questions he is asked.