15 year old girl innovator | Fusion - WeRIndia

15 year old girl innovator

15 year old girl innovator

This is the generation where more and more people are becoming environmentally conscious. Everything is becoming eco-friendly.

The need for low cost alternatives which are ecofriendly is rising every day. New innovations are coming up every day.

Bisman Deu is a 15 year old girl who loves to innovate. She invented a new variety of sustainable wood from rice waste.

Hailing from Chandigarh, she made an ecofriendly innovation called GreenWood.

She was born in India but spent a few years in England before returning to India with her parents.

She has always been interested in innovation and entrepreneurship. She found campaign called Colour the World Pink for the promotion of young girls to take up leadership positions. She saw that women are not present enough in the corporate world.

She started her campaign to encourage entrepreneurial spirit in young girls.

Bisman has always been an entrepreneur from the childhood. When she was in her 4th grade, she started her first business of selling psychedelic pencil decorations to her classmates.

All her initiatives are aimed at overcoming stereotypes about careers for women based purely on pre-conceived gender notions.

15 year old girl innovator

15 year old girl innovator


Even at a young age, she never was afraid of facing entrepreneurial challenges.

She says that there are a lot of obstacles in the path of invention and research but the discovery of something new and fascinating keeps her going.

She says that her family has supported her a lot through these obstacles.

Bisman has become popular at innovation and entrepreneurship forums.

In May 2017, she will be speaking at the Women Economic Forum in Delhi. She want to make GreenWood commercial. She says that it has a lot of potential to benefit people all over the world. She wants to establish herself as an entrepreneur.

Image Reference: TheBetterIndia

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