Supreme Court Archives | Page 18 of 22 | Fusion - WeRIndia

Tag Archives: Supreme Court

Panel to take decision on

The Supreme Court made it mandatory in November 2016 to play National Anthem in all movie theatres before every show.

Take measures to remove sex

At present, many internet giants exhibit content related to pre-natal sex determination which is a violation of Indian laws.

Aadhaar card linking deadline to

The central government informed the Supreme Court that it will extend the deadline for this linking to March 31 of next year.

Supreme Court gives directions for

Justices M. B. Lokur and Deepak Gupta said that they asked the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to create and register a public

Aadhar deadline will be extended

Central government said that it will extend the deadline to furnish Aadhar details till December 31 to get benefits of different social welfare schemes.