Micro Gardens revolutionizes urban farming with aeroponics | Fusion - WeRIndia

Micro Gardens revolutionizes urban farming with aeroponics

Micro Gardens revolutionizes urban farming with aeroponics

In a world where space is at a premium, the innovative aeroponic tower designed by Prakhar Agarwal and Tanay Tiwari offers a compelling solution for city dwellers eager to grow their own vegetables.

Developed in Lucknow, this vertical farming technology allows residents of small apartments to cultivate vegetables on their balconies efficiently.

Prakhar, originally a computer science graduate, shifted his focus to agriculture after a personal health scare linked to unsafe food.

This experience ignited his interest in aeroponics, a subset of hydroponics where plants are grown in an air or mist environment without the use of soil.

Unlike traditional hydroponic systems that require significant horizontal space, Prakhar and Tanay’s design is vertically oriented, making it ideal for limited spaces.

Their startup, Macrogardens, incubated at IIT Kanpur, has developed an aeroponic tower that uses food-grade plastic and features 32 modules. Each module can host two plants, dramatically increasing the yield per square foot.

For example, the space required to grow two cauliflowers can produce 64 cauliflowers using their aeroponic system.

This method not only optimizes space but also accelerates growth, producing crops 20% faster than soil-based systems.

One of the major advantages of the aeroponic tower is its water efficiency, saving up to 95% compared to traditional gardening.

It includes a self-watering system, equipped with a motor and a 65-litre water tank. Thus, it allows the plants to thrive for up to 30 days without maintenance. The system is also cost-effective, with monthly power costs of just ₹35 to ₹40.

In addition to its functional benefits, the tower supports a wide variety of vegetables. These include leafy greens like spinach and lettuce, tomatoes and tubers like radish and potatoes.

Prakhar also offers a comprehensive kit with the tower, simplifying the gardening process for users. The kit includes seeds, cocopeat, and a mix of essential nutrients.

Priced at ₹6,500, the aeroponic tower is not just a gardening tool but a step towards sustainable urban living.

Prakhar envisions a future where everyone can grow fresh, pesticide-free produce at home, leading to healthier lifestyles and a reduced carbon footprint.

This innovative approach promises to transform urban farming, making it accessible and enjoyable for city residents worldwide.

Image Credit: Macrogardens Website Screenshot

Image Reference: https://macrogardens.com/

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