Social Media Trends in India | Social Buzz | Fusion – WeRIndia

Causes of bad behavior in...

Children know very little about this world. They do most things because of their impulses. Here are some basic impulses on which children act.

Indians worst at quitting...

According to statistics, India has nearly 11 crore smokers. It is found that almost half (42 percent) of the cancer to Indian men are

American IT industry: Raising cap on...

American IT trade has said while arguing in favour of raising the cap on H-1B visas to draw in brightest minds from across the

PM’s Open Letter to Nation

Prime Minister posted this letter on Twitter in which he highlighted the achievements of his government in one year. PM Modi described himself as

Sikh man saves a child

In order to help the bleeding child, Harman Singh removed his turban. A picture of him helping a 6 year old child has made