QED - Quest Explore Discover | Fusion - WeRIndia

QED – Quest Explore Discover


QED (Quest Explore Discover) aims to make the process of learning science inclusive, relevant, and more importantly universally acceptable to all boys and girls. It cannot be called a school or a laboratory. It is quite simply called the Center for the Art of Science. QED was founded by Krishna Srinivasan and co-founded by Chokanath Hymavathi.

The center has the quest to make all children follow their sense of intrigue and reach a moment of self-realization rather than teaching them in a traditional way. It aims to let the children explore their nature and personality in a fun way. Then, the children will be focused on discovering science with their own creativity and become aware of answers to their questions.

QED believes that science is something that can be learned properly in a practical way rather than a theoretical way. The children at QED will be provided with the right tools to help them have self-discovery. They guide children to move away from blind faith and believe in scientific observations and logic. It creates curiosity in children and encourages them to ask questions. Then the children are encouraged to find the answer to these questions. Using such creative methods, they are attracting a lot of children to show interest towards science.

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