An example of Creativity beating Education | Fusion - WeRIndia

An example of Creativity beating Education

corn roaster

Many of us heard the word Jugaad, which is the Indian version of being creative and finding life hacks. Meet Mr. Madeshwaran, a street side corn roaster who found a solution for continuously fanning the coal. He sells roasted corn at one of the busiest streets of Bangalore.

Madeshwaran knows the struggles of continuously fanning the coal while roasting corn. This led to a new creative solution which would seem like it was made by engineers. He designed a unique new fan which will make his life easier.

The fan consists of blades made with food plates cut into shapes by him. It also has a light source running on battery for when working on dark street corners. The fan also has a small tool box which can help him repair things on the spot. This goes to show that creativity can triumph anything.

Image Reference: Thebetterindia

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