Architect Gokul Goyal’s ingenious kulhad design
Architect Gokul Goyal from Hisar has pioneered an innovative way to beat the scorching summer heat while celebrating India’s cultural heritage.
His two-storey home stands as a testament to sustainable design, blending traditional materials with modern functionality.
At the heart of this innovation lies his unique use of 7,000 kulhads (earthen cups) on the terrace floor, an idea rooted in Indian craftsmanship.
Goyal’s terrace design eliminates the need for expensive insulation paints or foam by integrating kulhads as a natural filler.
The process involves lining the terrace with the earthen cups, pouring cement over them, and sealing the surface with glazed mosaic tiles.
A mix of white cement and waterproofing materials ensures a leak-proof finish.
The magic lies in the air pockets within the kulhads, which absorb and dissipate heat.
These, combined with heat-reflective mosaic tiles that deflect up to 70% of solar heat, create an energy-efficient cooling system.
As a result, cooler interiors, even during peak summer, are achieved without relying on high-cost insulation methods.
This innovative approach not only keeps the home cool but also provides a cost-effective and sustainable alternative to conventional cooling systems.
By repurposing kulhads, Goyal’s design reduces environmental impact while preserving a connection to India’s cultural roots.
Additionally, the mosaic flooring adds aesthetic value. Its slip-resistant and low-maintenance features ensure safety and durability.
The design is visually appealing and environmentally friendly, making it a perfect blend of form and function.
Goyal’s home is more than just a residence; it’s a model of innovation and sustainability. By embracing traditional materials in a modern context, he has created a design that is not only practical but also culturally resonant.
His kulhad-inspired terrace offers a glimpse into how architecture can address environmental challenges while staying rooted in heritage.
This ingenious solution is a reminder that sometimes, the simplest ideas, like a humble earthen cup—can lead to the coolest innovations.
Image from Pxhere (Free for commercial use / CC0 Public Domain)
Image Published on March 06, 2017
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