Crafting eco-friendly Ganpati idols at home for Ganesh Chaturthi | Fusion - WeRIndia

Crafting eco-friendly Ganpati idols at home for Ganesh Chaturthi

Crafting eco-friendly Ganpati idols at home for Ganesh Chaturthi

As Ganesh Chaturthi approaches, many homes across India prepare to welcome Lord Ganesha with joy and devotion.

Traditionally, idols of the deity are brought home, followed by 10 days of festivities, ending with their water immersion.

However, as awareness about the harmful effects of using chemicals and plastic grows, eco-friendly Ganesha idols are gaining popularity.

Here are a few simple ways to create your own sustainable Ganpati idol using materials available at home:


Clay, easily found near riverbanks, is an ideal eco-friendly material. It dissolves in water, unlike Plaster of Paris, which is harmful to the environment. Simply mix clay with water to make a smooth dough. Shape different parts like the head and hands. Use natural colours to paint the idol.


Turmeric, known for its auspiciousness in Hindu tradition, can be used to make an eco-friendly Ganesha. Mix turmeric with wheat flour, powdered sugar, and milk to form a dough. Shape this dough into a small idol and add watercolours for a vibrant look.

Rice Flour

Rice flour, a common household item, is another sustainable option. Prepare a soft dough with oil to make it non-sticky. Shape the idol, and for extra features like eyes or accessories, use items like cardamom and pepper.

Paper Pulp

Transform old newspapers into an eco-friendly Ganpati! Soak shredded paper in water, grind it, and mix with a thick batter made from all-purpose flour. This dough can be moulded into a beautiful idol. Paint it with your preferred natural colours.


Make a unique Ganesha idol using chocolate! After the festival, the idol can be immersed in water to make a drink, which can be shared with the needy. It’s both eco-friendly and a thoughtful gesture.

Creating eco-friendly Ganesh idols not only helps preserve the environment but also keeps the spirit of tradition alive in a responsible way.

Image Credit: Adbh266, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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