Several US H1B visas to be removed soon | Fusion - WeRIndia

Several US H1B visas to be removed soon

Several US H1B visas to be removed soon

For all Indians looking to become full, working American citizens, the situation is looking very grim.

The Trump administration is planning to revoke a policy which enables the spouses of H-1B visa workers to obtain an Employment Authorization Document (EAD).

This move would impact almost 100,000 spouses of Indian workers, most of whom are women.

For many of these spouses, their job was something as simple as conducting a yoga class, tutoring, or supplying authentic, home-cooked Indian food to offices.

If the American government goes along with their plan and revokes this policy, then all of these employment opportunities will be gone for the spouses of H-1B visa Indian workers.

This is not the only protectionist move being taken against Indian workers.

In the coming months, international entrepreneurs will not be able to apply for a parole, which is a stay in the United States.

Therefore, they will not be able to nurture their startups in America for a certain period of time.

There are also plans to tighten the norms of eligibility for an H-1B visa. This visa is the main way that Indian workers are able to come overseas to the United States.

These plans are part of the American government’s goal to obtain the objectives of the “Buy American, Hire American” executive order.

However, these moves will certainly have backlashes on the American economy as well.

Large American companies such as Google and Apple will not be able to hire immigrants.

Also, less immigrants will be motivated to even try and come to the US, since they would have to go through such a difficult process to attain citizenship.

Furthermore, some people are proposing lawsuits and protests against the government’s decision to protect people’s civil liberties.

Although these new protectionist policies are going to negatively affect many Indian workers and their spouses, people will certainly not take them lying down.

People will figure out new ways to find a job and make a living, or else they will fight to get their previous one back.

Image credit: Image by Cianna Woods from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

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