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Smart Card to be issued for Unorganised...

The workers of unorganised sector in India will be issued a smart card soon by the government to access social schemes and benefits.

Airfares unlikely to reduce even after...

ATF prices are at a four year low price with Rs. 52.4 per liter. But, there is very less chances that the prices for

New rules for Radio Taxis in...

Delhi Government announced new rules for taxis in Delhi. They should have compulsory installation of GPS tracking system.

New Year Contest : Share your...

New Year is ahead which brings new hopes to everyone. The festive season of Christmas to New Year fills joy everywhere in the world.

Bharat Ratna likely for Vajpayee and...

According to sources, PM Narendra Modi will make an announcement on December 25 on recommending the names of former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee