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30000 Indian railway coaches are...

Indian Railways has been putting in a lot of effort to improve both the exteriors and interiors of its trains, in order to ensure

How to unlink your Aadhaar from banks...

Now, details are emerging which suggest that one can unlink Aadhaar details from service providers.

Did Einstein think Indians were...

In one of his entries, Einstein says that the hot climate of India prevents its people from "thinking backward or forward by more than

Railways to pay penalty for issuing a...

As per the reports, Vishnu Kant Shukla, a retired professor had boarded Himgiri Express on November 19, 2013. But, he was issued a ticket

JEE Advanced – 2/3rd members gone in...

For the first time in the JEE Advanced, two candidates from the physically challenged category made it into the elite club.