The orange order - Fusion - WeRIndia

The orange order

The orange order

Oranges look luscious and lovely. But they can be sweet as well as bitter too! There are various kinds of oranges. Some of them have smooth, textured skin and could be firm and heavy, and also have more juice than the lighter and spongier oranges.

Vitamin C is the nicest part of an orange. Just one orange could give you 116.2 per cent of the nutrient. This would help you to fight colon cancer and get rid of free radicals that can damage your DNA. This vitamin is important for the proper function of a healthy immune system, preventing colds and recurrent ear infections.

Anti-oxidants in oranges also help you to protect your skin from free radical damage that might lead to symptoms of aging. An orange a day could help you to look young even if you are 50.

Oranges, being rich in Vitamins B6, also stoke the production of haemoglobin and keep your blood pressure under check due to the magnesium content. According to a study by US and Canadian researchers, a class of compounds found in citrus fruit peels called Polymethoxylated Flavones (PMFs) have the potential to lower cholesterol more effectively than some prescription drugs.

Fibre in oranges also manage blood sugar levels and diabetes. The natural fruit sugar in oranges and fructose will not allow blood sugar to rise to high levels. Rich in beta-cryptoxanthin, an orange-red carotenoid found in oranges, corn and pumpkin would also reduce the risk of lung cancer.

The best way to get the most juice from oranges is to warm them, or at least keep them at room temperature. Roll the orange that you want to squeeze under your palm, so that you can extract more juice. When it is exposed to air, Vitamin C gets destroyed quickly, so eat it as soon as you open it!

Photo by andreatomasin0 ( on Needpix (Free for commercial use / CC0 Public Domain)

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