Incredible health benefits of tamarinds | Fusion - WeRIndia

Incredible health benefits of tamarinds

Incredible health benefits of tamarinds

Tamarind is a tropical fruit known for its tangy flavour and nutritional benefits. Rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, fibre, antioxidants, and minerals, tamarinds offer numerous health advantages.

They can help prevent cardiac disease, boost the immune system, and combat early skin ageing.

Despite their benefits, tamarinds are high in calories and should be consumed in moderation, i.e. about 30 grams per day as part of a balanced diet.

Tamarinds can be eaten raw or used to make sweets, juices, and even alcoholic beverages. In some parts of the world, they are also used to season meat and fish dishes.

Here are some key health benefits of tamarinds:

  • Tamarinds help lower LDL cholesterol. The antioxidants and saponins in this fruit help reduce cholesterol levels, thus preventing cardiovascular diseases.
  • Consuming small amounts of tamarinds can aid in diabetes management due to their hypoglycemic effects.
  • Tamarinds are rich in antioxidants. Thus, they help prevent cellular damage caused by free radicals. As a result, they help reduce wrinkles and early skin ageing.
  • Tamarinds have properties that inhibit inflammatory responses. They can be beneficial for treating pain, inflammatory diseases, stomach pain, sore throats, and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • The high vitamin A content in tamarinds is essential for eye health. It helps prevent macular degeneration and cataracts, both of which can lead to vision loss.
  • They fight against inflammation in the body and speed up recovery from illnesses.
  • Besides, they also fight against various bacteria and reduce the risk of infections like typhoid fever, pneumonia, and skin infections.
  • The fibre in tamarinds can help manage constipation and improve bowel movements.
  • The vitamins in tamarind provide anti-inflammatory properties that aid in skin regeneration, and other skin problems.
  • Tamarind can reduce fat absorption in the body. The fibre in tamarinds also reduces appetite and keeps you fuller for longer.
  • In addition, the polyphenols in tamarind, have antioxidant properties that help fight oxidative stress in the body.

Image Credit: Thamizhpparithi Maari, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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