Health benefits of Mace Spice | Fusion - WeRIndia

Health benefits of Mace Spice

Health benefits of Mace Spice

Mace is a spice obtained from the red coloured aril of the nutmeg seed.

It is used in stews, meat and bakery foods.

Mace has a pungent and sweet taste. Due to its fresh aroma, it is used as a mouth freshener.

The spice is also being used in alternative medicine.

Mace has following health benefits:

  • Mace is beneficial for digestive problems. It relieves constipation, bloating and other gastric disorders. The fibre in this spice eases bowel movements.
  • The spice improves the health of kidney. It has enough potential to dissolve kidney stones.
  • Mace can be used as an appetizer. It improves appetite and helps gain weight in a healthy way.
  • It improves blood circulation. It is rich in manganese, and helps flush out toxins from the body. The iron content in this spice helps improve RBC.
  • Mace is sedative in nature; hence it is extensively used for treating inflammations of the body. It alleviates the pain and lessens inflammation. It also protects from infections. Mace oil is widely used to treat joint pains due to its soothing property.
  • The study of Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine reveals that mace plays a crucial role in preventing cancer. The antioxidants in this spice protects the body from free radicals that are associated with cancer.
  • The vitamins niacin, riboflavin and thiamine in it help reduce stress and anxiety. It also stabilizes the mood.
  • The magnesium in mace aids in reducing tension in your nerves and induces sleep. Thus, it can help fight insomnia. The spice also triggers the release of serotonin to relax your body and mind and help sleep peacefully.
  • Mace contains oils like myristicin and macelignan to improve your neural functions. It boosts your cognitive function and protects brain health.
  • It acts as a shield for cough and cold. It also treats throat problems and asthma symptoms.

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