Combatting heatstroke with these preventive measures | Fusion - WeRIndia

Combatting heatstroke with these preventive measures

Combatting heatstroke with these preventive measures

Temperatures in various places across the country are rising. Taking precautions to protect yourself from the scorching heat is very essential.

Especially in India, where government advisories are already in place to mitigate heat-related illnesses including heatstroke, awareness and preparedness are crucial.

Heatstroke, a severe health condition caused by the body overheating, can result from prolonged exposure to high temperatures and is exacerbated by physical exertion.

In this article, you will learn about the symptoms and preventive measures of heatstroke.

The primary indicator of heatstroke is an unusually high body temperature, often above 40 degrees Celsius.

Initial symptoms may include fainting, a first and alarming sign. Other symptoms to watch for include intense headaches, a rapid heartbeat, shallow breathing, and dehydration.

It is crucial to recognize behavioural changes such as confusion, disorientation, nausea, and even vomiting, as these can suggest the onset of heatstroke.

Prevention is the most effective strategy against heatstroke. Staying hydrated is essential; increasing fluid intake during hot weather helps the body maintain normal temperatures.

Avoiding excessive physical activity in the sun and staying indoors during peak heat periods can prevent overheating.

Wearing light-coloured, loose, and lightweight clothing also helps keep body temperatures in check. Taking cool baths or showers can further aid in lowering body heat.

In cases where heatstroke occurs, prompt action is necessary to prevent severe health consequences:

  • Move the affected person to a cool, shaded area immediately.
  • Remove excess clothing as it can help reduce body temperature.
  • Apply cold water or place wet towels on the head and body.
  • It is also vital to help rehydrate the body. Drink enough water to prevent dehydration.
  • Also, eat more fruits like watermelon.

As temperatures continue to rise, understanding the signs and symptoms of heatstroke and knowing how to respond quickly and efficiently can be lifesaving.

It’s important to heed weather advisories and prioritize health and safety during unusually high temperatures.

Image Credit: DPG*o0W0o, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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