Investing VRS money properly | Fusion - WeRIndia

Investing VRS money properly

Investing VRS money properly

Voluntary Retirement Scheme is commonly taken by many people. It is also offered by companies. If you have chosen to get this scheme in your 40s or 50s, then you should think well and invest the money in the right place to use it several years later. You should invest only if you have another source of income. Let us look at some tips to invest.

Avoid high risk instruments

It is not a wise decision to invest the money in high risk instruments like equities and mutual funds with large equity exposure. This is because losing the money is a risk you should not be taking.

Avoid real estate

Real estate does not offer solid immediate returns and depend on long terms. This means you will be out of cash in case of emergency.

Maintain your life style

If you lack other sources of money income, then it is important to conserve the amount of money you have. So, make changes in your lifestyle accordingly.

Do not start businesses

This is pretty obvious as you should not take such risks with your money. Consider investing your VRS money in safe corporate deposits like Kerala Transport Development Finance Corporation, Mahindra Finance etc.

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