Choose the right health insurance policy | Fusion - WeRIndia

Choose the right health insurance policy

Choose the right health insurance policy

Health insurance policy is vital nowadays to bear the cost of healthcare. However, if do not choose the right policy, you will suffer in the time of need.

You have to consider certain things while choosing a health insurance policy. Here is a list:

The health insurance policy should be affordable while providing maximum coverage. So choose a budget-friendly policy that does not become a burden for you.

Compare various health insurance policies offered by different insurance companies to choose the best policy for you. The ideal policy should offer maximum coverage and benefits while meeting your requirements. You should check the following factors: Sum Insured, pre and post hospitalisation expenses, waiting period for pre-existing diseases, ICU room rent, road ambulance charges, no claim bonus etc. Also, check whether the policy offers complimentary annual health check-ups to help you monitor your health regularly. It is better to choose a policy that does not have room rent capping even though the premium is more.

Choose a cashless treatment plan to avoid paying out of your pocket. If you choose these plans, insurance companies directly pay the expenses to the network hospitals covered under the plan. However, you have to check the number of network hospitals covered under the plan to get maximum benefits.

You have to choose between individual health insurance and family floater health insurance policies. While individual policies provide coverage for each member of a family, family floater insurance policies cover all the covered family members. All these members will be covered under one single sum insured.

Observe the claim-settlement ratio before choosing the health insurance policy of a company. A high claim settlement ratio indicates a lower risk of claim rejection rate.

There are many other factors to consider while choosing the right health insurance policy. Know about them in the next article.

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