Ways To Be Indispensable At Work | Fusion - WeRIndia

Ways To Be Indispensable At Work

Ways To Be Indispensable At Work

In today’s workplace, where more and more of us feel disposable, what does it take to make yourself indispensable? It starts with making a great name for yourself.

It requires that you visibly commit yourself to making a difference to your company, your team, your business–even your family and friends.

It always turns out to be bigger than just you. But it always begins with you.

Being indispensable at work means that your supervisors count on you so much that without you, the productivity of your department might suffer, or at least that’s the perception.

Do work that matters, not work that’s easy. Most employees can find tasks at work to stay busy, pass the time, and fly under the radar of the boss, Hoover says. “To become indispensable, you’ll want to dig deeper and really think about the work that matters to the company and its success. Tackle those projects first.”

Learn more by being more. Do everything you can to make more of yourself. Volunteer for tasks outside your usual role; be eager to step up and take on more than your share. Do it with openness and effectiveness and a willing heart and mind, and it will make you invaluable.

Be willing to go the extra mile. This doesn’t mean you have to ‘suck up’ to your boss–but if you’ve got the time and means to give a little more than what’s expected, it can go a long way, Hoover explains. “Managers need help and support to do their jobs well and having a reliable team member makes a big impact.”

Remember that your job is to make your supervisor’s job easier. By becoming your supervisor’s right-hand man or woman, you are building a trust between the two of you, Teach says. If you are always thinking of ways to help your boss and you do make their job easier, they are certainly going to count on you more and more.

Be productive, but don’t make it a race. “Most employees equate being successful and productive with doing the most work, and doing it the quickest,” Hoover says. “That’s not always the case.” Take your time to do the work correctly and thoughtfully. Often when you do this you can uncover better and more efficient ways to get the job done and once you bring those to the table, voila!: You’re a little more indispensable to your boss and company.

Be a team player. To be indispensable, you not only need to prove yourself to your supervisor, but to your co-workers as well, says Teach. “If they’re always looking to you to lead them, to be the point person on projects, even though you aren’t their supervisor, this speaks volumes about you. Furthermore, offer to help your co-workers when they run into a problem. If you do, they will see you as their colleague and mentor which can only help your work relationship with them.”

Be committed. “It sounds obvious, and it may even sound easy, but what often truly sets the indispensable workers apart from the replaceable cogs in the machine is a die hard work ethic and commitment to quality,” Friedman says. “If you are the best at what you do, you are likely to be the last one to go.”

Stay positive. It’s easy to become so focused on the finish line that you fail to enjoy the journey. Be positive and a joy to be around as you’re building your success.

Have a good attitude. “Again, it might sound obvious, but it’s easy to find people who don’t appreciate having a job at all, and much harder to find people who make the office a pleasant place to come,” Friedman says. “Everyone likes working with people who seem like they are happy to be there, and if choosing between two employees who are equally good at their jobs, a manager is more apt to axe the grumpy one.”

Stay current with technology and trends. Technology and industry trends are constantly changing so if you are continually learning new technologies and keeping up with trends, you will continue to be an invaluable asset to your company, Teach says. “If you’re not already, you will become the go-to person on these matters which makes your knowledge and skills even more valuable compared to those who aren’t staying current.”

Continually improve your oral and written communication skills. Many people don’t like to speak publicly–but for those who do, it can lead to great opportunities, Teach says. It’s also hard to find employees with excellent written skills, especially in the world of texting and Twitter–so if you are a great writer, you will definitely have an advantage over others, he says.

Be honest. Whether it’s a mistake, a missed deadline, or a bad judgment call, communicate openly and work hard to find good solutions to any problems you may have caused. Never engage in blame-placing.

Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash (free for commercial use)

Image Reference: https://unsplash.com/photos/MYbhN8KaaEc

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