Helping hearing impaired get education
Life for the hearing-impaired is often very difficult. Deaf students are often put at a disadvantage when seeking government job opportunities, since many of them are only taught the equivalent of grade 1 or 2 level English.
This makes them unequipped to take the Higher Secondary Examination (or HSC exam), which requires students to have passed the English language examination in the SSC (Secondary School Certificate) boards.
Therefore, there are not many deaf individuals in either government or corporate jobs, since so few are able to meet the required criteria. However, a new initiative called TEACH (Training and Educational Center for Hearing impaired), is working to improve the opportunities for hearing-impaired individuals.
TEACH helps deaf students from vernacular medium schools, and provides them with higher education and professional advice.
TEACH has also been reaching out to individual schools in order to teach children from grades 7 and up, which can provide a supplement to the students’ existing syllabus.
The methodology of the initiative is “Total Communication”, which involves blending sign language and oral communication.
The Indian Sign Language (or ISL) is implemented in teaching and communicating with the deaf students.
TEACH also involves volunteers from top B-schools and colleges, allowing them to support the initiative and share their knowledge.
TEACH is aiming to eventually become the stepping stone for educational success for deaf children, especially concerning their knowledge of English.
The English language is the most common method of communication today.
Therefore, knowing the language is an essential key to success in this day and age. Not only will TEACH provide deaf children with this key to success, but they will also allow them to save the first year from the three-year program in higher education.
With their emphasis on total communication, TEACH is determined to provide these hearing-impaired children with more opportunities and better lives.
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