Toll-free helpline prevents school dropouts | Fusion - WeRIndia

Toll-free helpline prevents school dropouts

Toll-free helpline prevents school dropouts

Every year thousands of students in the rural areas dropout of school. Most of these people cannot afford to study and they are not sure of what step to take. A new toll-free number is there to help these students receive valuable career advice. It provides information regarding various financial support methods like scholarships.

This is the new toll-free Vidya helpline. It has helped thousands of rural youth to find new paths in their careers. V. Chandrasekhar from the Vidya helpline stated that many students who are unsure of their careers end up doing traditional businesses or odd jobs.

The Vidya helpline was launched as an initiative by Nirmaan, an NGO. Nirmaan was founded by a group of BITS-Pilani University students in 2005. Their original aim was to feed the children of hostel mess workers. However, they started the Vidya helpline initiative in 2010. They wanted to get rid of middlemen who sometimes give wrong information to students. This helpline is one stop solution for students to get guidance with careers and education.

Originally the service was started as a single helpline in Ranga Reddy district. Soon, the helpline was receiving calls from all districts of AP and Telangana.

Image Reference: Thebetterindia

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