10-year-old girl writes two books | Fusion - WeRIndia

10-year-old girl writes two books

10-year-old girl writes two books

The power of emotions such as exasperation and anguish often fuels the creation of exceptional literary works. These feelings serve as catalysts, igniting the imaginative minds of authors.

Bhadra, a 10-year-old girl, is no exception. Even a simple argument with her parents can trigger a burst of creativity, compelling her to engage in reading and writing.

Her latest accomplishment is the release of her second book, Appooppanthadikal, a collection of poems, which coincided with National Reading Day on June 19.

In 2021, as the pandemic gradually receded, Bhadra unveiled her first book, Kunjumegham, a compilation of short stories. The book garnered positive feedback, boosting the confidence of this little girl blessed with an extraordinary imagination.

Bhadra finds immense joy in the world of books, where she immerses herself, transcending the influence of external circumstances.

Her parents, Sumesh and Subha, attribute her passion for reading and writing to their own avid reading habits. They often take Bhadra along when visiting libraries, nurturing her interest in books.

As soon as she learned to form sentences, she embarked on her reading journey. It was Bhadra’s mother who first recognized the budding writer within her.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Bhadra had ample time to indulge in reading. It was during this period that Prathibha Library, located near her home, organized a book-reading challenge.

While no other children in the neighbourhood participated, Bhadra took it up as a personal challenge. Within a span of six months, she devoured 75 books and even wrote appreciation notes for each one.

Bhadra’s parents provided her with an old diary to document her daily activities. However, she transformed it into a journal brimming with her thoughts and imaginative musings.

Sometimes, after returning from outdoor excursions, she would immediately start writing about her experiences.

Whether it was about an encounter with a cat or a meeting with another child, these observations became the building blocks of her creative thoughts.

Her latest poem in her book captures a poignant moment of encountering a motionless crow near their home.

Bhadra’s favourite authors include Priya A S and Gracy. Whenever she has free time, she dedicates it to reading or writing.

Despite her involvement in classical dance training as a Class 5 student, she never compromises on her reading time.

With guidance from her parents, she independently selects the books that pique her interest.

Image by Dorothe from Pxhere (Free for commercial use / CC0 Public Domain)

Image Reference: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1442627

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