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Tag Archives: rural India

IITs to Adopt Ten Villages

All the older IITs are going to adopt ten villages each, and each new IIT will adopt five villages as part of Unnat Bharat

Grain Bank Satisfies the Hunger

Life is not a bed of roses. The stories of villagers can be tragic especially in situations where loans are not repaid. This is

Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana by

PM Narendra Modi launched Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) on October 11 in Vignan Bhavan, New Delhi on the occasion of birth anniversary

VidyaVanam – Unique School without

VidyaVanam is established in 2007 by Ms. PremaRangachary for tribal and unprivileged children. It is situated in in Anaikatti, a rural village, 30 km

Pottery Making in Rural India