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Tag Archives: RBI

India’s first BitCoin ATM

Unocoin says that the ATM has nothing to do with India’s banking system, so, there is no question of violating RBI norms.

New 100 Rupee note –

The dimensions of the new ₹100 banknote will be 142 millimeters in length and 66 millimeters in width.

What the RBI is doing

According to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), there were 1,716.5 crore pieces of ₹500 notes and 6585.8 crore pieces of ₹1,000 notes in

RBI’s new system to settle

The RBI has also tightened the rules surrounding resolution plans, in order to protect people with large deposits from getting their account restructured or

RBI to issue new ₹10

Reserve Bank of India is going to issue a new ₹10 currency note. It says that the old currency notes will remain valid.