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Tag Archives: IRCTC

IRCTC: 10 Lakh Accident Insurance

A new scheme is being planned by Indian Railways. They are planning to start a voluntary passenger insurance scheme from September this year. This

25 new tea varieties on

Considering the interest of Indians in tea, the Railways will now make sure you get your favorite tea with your special ingredient in it.

IRCTC to introduce premier trains

As per the press release by IRCTC yesterday, two semi-luxury trains will be launched in mid-December to travel in desert areas.

IRCTC pilot e-catering project

IRCTC has launched a new pilot project for its passengers. It is a 'station-based e-catering' service .

Executive lounges to be setup

Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation chairman and Managing Director AK Manocha stated that executive lounges will be setup to help train passengers recover