Social Media Trends in India | Social Buzz | Fusion – WeRIndia

Sushma Swaraj jabs at Pakistan,...

Lately, North Korea is known to be conducting nuclear tests. This could put all of the world in danger if these tests prove to

Cleaning chennai’s largest toxic dump...

The site causes local problems as well, since the people who live around the site have had to cope with the smoke and stench

Supreme Court gives directions for...

Justices M. B. Lokur and Deepak Gupta said that they asked the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to create and register a public

Tackling the service charge...

A set of guidelines released last April stated that it is not required for customers to pay the service charges on hotel and

Government plans 100% e-vehicles by...

Nitin Gadkari, the Union Road Transport Minister, said that vehicles running on petroleum and diesel gasoline will soon need to be pushed aside, and