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Search Results for: government schemes

Disability bill passed in Rajya

However, after passing the bill, the upper House adjourned for the day due to uproar created by the Opposition parties.

Ecosan Toilet – Good solution

Ecosan toilet is one such toilet which is very ideal to use in a country where people are unable to spend huge amount on toilets.

Budget on February 1?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday confirmed that next year’s budget will be around February start. Normally it is unveiled at the end of February.

Prime Minister launches National SC/ST

Narendra Modi at the National MSME awards ceremony stated that the entrepreneurship among SCs and STs is to be encouraged to benefit all and fulfill the dreams of

Various types of post office

Post office savings account can be opened by any individual. Interest rate is 4 per cent per annum which is lower than other schemes.