Petition filed to halt Supreme Court building demolition | Fusion - WeRIndia

Petition filed to halt Supreme Court building demolition

Petition filed to halt Supreme Court building demolition

A writ petition has been filed in the Supreme Court seeking a stay on the demolition of the current Supreme Court building. This move is part of the Centre’s ₹800 crore reconstruction plan.

The petitioner argues that demolishing the existing building is akin to destroying a piece of history. Furthermore, the Centre has not released the new designs for the reconstruction.

The petitioner, who identifies as a public spiritual person, filed the writ petition under Article 32 of the Constitution of India. The plea requests the Centre to retain the current Supreme Court building.

It suggests accommodating tribunals, courts, and government offices currently in rental properties and constructing the new Supreme Court building elsewhere.

The plea, filed by KK Ramesh, seeks directions to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, the Ministry of Law and Justice, and the Secretary General of the Supreme Court of India.

It urges them to halt the demolition and build the new Supreme Court complex at a different location.

On January 28, during the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations of the Supreme Court, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced an ₹800 crore expansion plan for the court’s complex.

He expressed hope that no petitions would be filed to stop the construction, referencing the Central Vista case.

The current plea argues that since the Centre acknowledges no damage or threat to the existing building, it should be repurposed rather than demolished.

The petitioner highlights that constructing 27 courtrooms and 4 registrar courtrooms may not suffice in 10 years, given the rapidly increasing number of Supreme Court cases.

Currently, the Supreme Court has 17 courtrooms and 2 registrar courtrooms.

The petitioner points out that demolishing a historically significant building to add only 10 more rooms is not justifiable.

Moreover, the Centre has not consulted the public, the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA), or the Supreme Court Advocates-on-Record Association (SCAORA) about the new design.

The petitioner alleges that the Centre’s decision violates the principles of natural justice and the fundamental rights of Indian citizens under Articles 14, 19, and 21. He also cites pollution risks from demolition and reconstruction activities.

Additionally, the plea highlights the shortage of tribunals, courts, and government office accommodation in Delhi.

Many central government offices are scattered in rented buildings, incurring significant costs.

The petition underscores the need for a practical and historically respectful solution to the Supreme Court’s expansion needs.

Image Credit: Pinakpani, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Image Reference:,_inside_view_07.jpg

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