Latest Updates In India | Hot From the Oven | Fusion - WeRIndia

Biometric Visas to Indians by...

According to a statement released by the French Embassy, all the applicants excluding children below the age of 12 years can now visit any

Government’s efforts for cheap...

The Civil Aviation Ministry is planning an upfront subsidy to airlines in order to reduce the cost of air travel on certain routes. They

India’s alliance with solar-rich...

India is going to propose the establishment of alliance with solar-rich countries in the upcoming climate summit in Paris.

India’s ‘ease of business’ rank...

India needs to improve its ‘ease of business’ rank since India was positioned at rank 130 out of 189 in the report of World

Health Ministry to launch blood...

Primary Health Centres will soon have blood disorder screen tests for pregnant women and new-born babies to check for disorders like anemia, thalassemia and