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Goa’s oysters, not so...

According to the research by Goa-based National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), there is a high level of cadmium in oysters. In some cases, they

Know about Rs.251 smartphone

Freedom 251 has been designed by India based tech firm 'Ringing Bells' as part of the 'Make in India' Campaign. The pricing of this

Now you can get passport in just 3...

According to a senior official of the Regional Passport Office, New Delhi, the government is aiming to deliver passports in a quicker manner if

App for railway medical...

In order to help in medical emergencies, a tech start-up has developed an app called 'RailYatri'. The app is useful for a person who

Massive fire break at the ‘Make...

A massive fire broke out during the culturing event in the Make in India event. More than 2,000 people were present at the time