Historic direct flight connects Phnom Penh and New Delhi | Fusion - WeRIndia

Historic direct flight connects Phnom Penh and New Delhi

Historic direct flight connects Phnom Penh and New Delhi

In a significant milestone, Cambodia and India have launched the first-ever direct flight between Phnom Penh and New Delhi.

Both the Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Indian Ambassador jointly inaugurated the service on Sunday.

Cambodia Angkor Air, the national flag carrier, will operate the flight four times a week. The launch ceremony was attended by several members of the Indian community, marking a momentous occasion.

This new route promises to ease travel for tourists and strengthen the historic ties between the two nations.

The Embassy of India in Phnom Penh celebrated the event as a historic moment, aligning with India’s Act East Policy.

The direct flight will make Cambodia’s Angkor Archaeological Park more accessible to Indian tourists. The park is a UNESCO World Heritage site.

It is expected to boost tourism, bringing more visitors to Cambodia’s iconic cultural sites.

Additionally, the new connection will provide Cambodian patients, with better access to medical treatments in India, enhancing healthcare options for many.

Cambodia Angkor Air expressed optimism about the potential positive impact of the new service. The airline highlighted the rich histories and mutual interests of both nations.

The statement from Angkor Air emphasized the benefits to tourism and healthcare sectors, anticipating increased exchanges and collaborations.

India’s involvement in restoring Cambodia’s Angkor Wat and Preah Vihear temples underscores the deep cultural and linguistic connections between the countries.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has frequently highlighted these historical and civilizational links, reinforcing the bond between India and Cambodia.

With the introduction of this direct flight, travel between the capitals of Cambodia and India has become more convenient and efficient.

The new service is expected to boost tourism and strengthen bilateral relations, fostering deeper cultural and economic ties.

Both countries look forward to the mutual benefits this direct connection will bring, enhancing accessibility and cooperation on multiple fronts.

Image Credit: Anandajoti, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Image Reference: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:003_Architecture_of_the_Angkor_Wat,_Cambodia.jpg

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