Reasons for the closure of temples during the eclipse | Fusion - WeRIndia

Reasons for the closure of temples during the eclipse

Reasons for the closure of temples during the eclipse

Yesterday, due to the solar eclipse, many temples in India were closed. Not just during solar eclipses, temples are closed during lunar eclipses as well. That is, temples are closed during all eclipses.

Some say that temples are quantum healing centres that create positive energy flow from the idols in a clockwise direction. Apart from idols, energy is also released into the environment by yantras placed inside the temple. They generate positive energy, which is why devotees have peace of mind in the temples.

It is said that the energy generated from the planets and sun can interact with the energy coming from the temples. Especially during the eclipse, negative energy is released, which can disrupt the aura around the idols. In addition, it can also affect the energy generated by the yantras inside the temple.

As the flow is disrupted during the eclipse, the doors remain closed to prevent the negative energy into the temple. It is believed that the planetary bodies generate this negative energy which will affect the idols in the temple if the doors remain open. That’s why many temples are closed during the eclipse.

However, there are religious and astrological beliefs behind this rather than a scientific approach. As per ancient religious beliefs, Rahu and Ketu are the north and south lunar nodes. Eclipses are believed to occur when the Sun and Moon are at these nodes.

As per beliefs, there will be a Sutak period during the eclipse. Since ritualistic worship must be stopped in such a situation, temples are closed.

There will be a Sutak period preceding the eclipse. It is observed for both solar and lunar eclipses. For a solar eclipse, the Sutak period is 12 hours before the eclipse. It is 9 hours for the lunar eclipse.

This Sutak period is considered inauspicious as per Hindu beliefs. People chant mantras during that time.

Image Credit: Naresh Balakrishnan, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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