Social Media Trends in India | Social Buzz | Fusion – WeRIndia

Indian Skills Service – A new cadre...

Now the Indian Civil Services will soon be establishing a new a new cadre with skills of the same level.

How to track Aadhaar misuse

As the Aadhaar card is linked to many things and contains all personal information, the fear of it getting misused is common for many.

Gujarat village boycotted...

Even after the district administration tried to convince them to participate in elections, the villagers of Gajadi refrained from voting.

Aadhaar card linking deadline to be...

The central government informed the Supreme Court that it will extend the deadline for this linking to March 31 of next year.

Know about certification for Ayurvedic...

This has been an era full of people who are looking at Ayurveda and alternative medicine more and more. Many new shops and chains