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Search Results for: exercise

Home remedies for diabetic nerve

Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties, which can help relieve the pain from diabetic neuropathy. Ginger can also help manage the levels of sugar in the blood.

Simple ways to lose weight

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, since it boosts the metabolism of the body.

Farmer’s daughter climbs mount Everest

Pooja was first sent to a base camp in Nepal, where she was acclimatized at the high elevation for several days. Then, on May 21st, 2016, she finally

How to stop nervous eating

People who eat nervously are often insecure about themselves and their life, and they often push away people’s compliments and positivity.

Don’t use these methods to

Exercise is a common go-to solution for losing weight, but the overexertion of body due to rigorous exercises can severely damage body’s health.