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Himachal Pradesh launched app to aid...

'Tour Mandi' is a mobile application launched by Himachal Pradesh government to help the tourists. This app helps them by offering complete information regarding

Women get top four positions in UPSC...

Women secured top four positions in the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exams. They are: Ira Singhal, Renu Raj, Nidhi Gupta and Vandana Rao.

Biggest lies spread by Media in June...

Here are some lies that were spread by the Indian media in June 2015.

Madrasas to be derecognized by...

Maharashtra government decided on Thursday to derecognize madrasas that give education to students only on religion but not providing formal education

Digital India, the ways of...

The Digital India week that is aimed to digitalise the lives of people does so in the following ways.