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Several US H1B visas to be removed...

If the American government goes along with their plan and revokes this policy, then all of these employment opportunities will be gone for the

Aadhaar – Mobile number link not...

The Supreme Court Justices said that Aadhaar is used to verify the identity of the subscriber. So, telephone companies are demanding to provide Aadhaar

Students to get subsidized...

Food Minister Ram Vilas Paswan yesterday stated that the government will provide food grains at a subsidized rate to the students of backwards classes.

Death penalty for rape of children...

In January of this year, regarding rape laws, the center’s law officer told the Supreme Court that the death penalty is not the answer

NGO wants to Install GPS in public...

According to the Road Transport and Highways Ministry, installation of GPS is mandatory in all passenger transport vehicles including taxis and buses from April