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Author Bio:Fusion WeRIndia

  • Name: Fusion WeRIndia
  • Introduction: Admin of the website. Also, You can visit WeRIndia.com for all types of National | Business | World | Politics | Entertainment | Health related news and much more..

Author Archives: Valli Sarvani

War on Hudhud

Hudhud’s fury, with winds of up to 200 kms per hour, abated to 110 kmph a day after it hit Vishakhapatnam. The sun emerged over the port city,

Pedalling to the highest peak

Satyen Das, 44 years old, pedalled for 68 days and covered 3,000 kms to become the first man (or woman, for that matter!) to touch remote Ladakh valley

Coffee Cares

Did you know that coffee can be your heart’s protector as well as desire? Just one or two cups of coffee per day can bring down your risk

South Asian Cultural linkages

Relocating Cultural Linkages in South Asia:A Historical Perspective A conference from 18th to 20th October 2014 in Patiala aims to bring together historians, academicians and research scholars working

Vultures Venture Back

Good news: Vultures, who had stopped visiting Delhi in the past 20 years, seem to be returning. Bad news: Vultures flock here to feed off carcasses that seem to